The Journey to a Forever Family

The Journey to a Forever Family

It was 2017 when I first met Hannah and her younger siblings, Aiden and Isabella. As the eldest, 11-year-old Hannah had taken on the role of leader and protector. Aiden (6) and Bella (3) were timid and shy, watching Hannah’s every move to see how they should proceed....
Keeping Siblings Together

Keeping Siblings Together

For many children in foster care, siblings are often the one constant in their lives. A brother or sister may be the only person who understands their experiences and can help them adjust to their new family and community. When the siblings living together in the...
Are You Qualified To Be A Foster Parent?

Are You Qualified To Be A Foster Parent?

There are many misconceptions about who is qualified to be a foster parent. Often people assume that simply because they are single, under the age of 25, or don’t own a home, they won’t be considered. This could not be further from the truth. At Koinonia, we are...
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