Foster Care

This program provides treatment-based foster care to children between birth through 21 years of age who have been removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect and /or delinquency. Children are placed in agency approved resource homes where they receive the love and guidance of caring and committed families, as well as treatment services provided by master’s-level social work staff.

Mission: To provide safe, nurturing and stable homes for children/youth who are dependents or wards of the Child Welfare System.

  • Children and youth should be safe from harm.
  • Permanency is our underlying goal.
  • Everyone deserves a family.
  • Every child and youth leaving our service is better off than when they entered into our care.
  • The most effective way to support foster children is to thoroughly support resource parents.
  • Every child in our care should feel they are part of a family, rather than feel they are in an institution.
  • We want to build relationships with children and youth, establishing trust, dependability and acceptance.
  • We provide youth independent living skills to maximize their chance of living successfully in a family and community.


  • To provide a warm, compassionate and stable home environment with loving and caring treatment resource parents.
  • To build quality relationships with our children/youth, establishing trust, dependability and acceptance.
  • To help our children/youth identify and resolve their problem areas through the development and implementation of comprehensive treatment plans.
  • To reduce or minimize the traumatic effects children/youth may experience from separation from their home or previous placement.
  • To reduce or minimize the potential for placement disruptions through providing appropriate services and support.
  • To provide trained and qualified master’s-level social workers who are equipped to effectively support children/youth requiring specialized out-of-home care.
  • To support and facilitate family reunification when it is a goal of the child’s/youth’s overall case plan.
  • For older youth, to provide training in independent living skills to maximize their chances of living successfully in a family and community.


Children/youth referred to the program will be in personal and/or family crisis, will represent diverse ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds and may present moderately severe emotional and behavioral problems. As part of the initial and ongoing assessment of each placed child’s/youth’s needs, any services required for the child/youth (transition services; education, physical, behavioral, mental health, extracurricular supports; transition to adulthood services; permanency support services, and Indian child services) will be provided either directly by Koinonia Family Services or by working with a variety of local resources.

Koinonia will support you through every step of the journey.

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